Friday, April 15, 2011

So what should authentic Christianity look like today?

1--Authentic Christianity trusts the whole Word of God to be inspired; that man was the instrument as the Spirit of God promulgated special revelation.  As God Himself is the Author, so is He authorized to sanction, pardon, and enforce (James4:12a) all that is contained in Holy writ- as He pleases.  We believe that God’s Word is His oath, and He cannot lie (Heb 6:13-20)  The Word must be the plumb line; standard of truth and right-choiceness that every Christian cherishes, is bound to, feeds on, and trusts throughout their pilgrimage- come what may.  The Word is what shapes authentic faith and must be regarded as all sufficient for collective, genuine worship and individual progressive sanctification.  (2Tim 3:16/Heb 4:12-13)

2--Authentic Christianity recognizes that because of Jesus the Christ, we now are alive (Eph 2:5) and represent (2Cor 5:20) the Kingdom of Heaven; that Jesus is very much alive (Matt 28, Mark16, Luke24, John20) and is waiting for the decree from the Father (Matt24:36) to return for those loyal through faith to the Crown of Christ.  Rejoice Pilgrims- look around you; the return of the true King is very soon (Matt24:3-14, 29-31)!

3--Authentic Christianity appreciates the cost of the ransom (Matt20:25-28, 1Pet1:17-21) that paid for the purchase of our freedom from sin, the justifiable wrath deserving of our sin, and residency into the Kingdom of God.  Our liberty was the result of the horrendous transaction in exchange of Jesus' righteousness for our sin that demands bloodshed; life (1Pet1:19).  We simply trust in Jesus as the Messiah and obey His commands out of authentic gratitude for what God alone has done.  Once we are in Christ Jesus, our works of morality and kindness are thereby recognized by God as proper, or holy, when we exercise our free will in association to our new nature.  (Read Paul’s epistle to the Romans)

4--Authentic Christianity values the ideology that there is only one way to live out our faith.  Genuine Christianity is not selective when it comes to the Word or the likes and dislikes of sinful man.  What one denomination embraces, another despises- neither of which operating within full potential because of the division (1Cor1:10).  Our faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God (1Cor2:5); founded on the Son of God who leads us back into a relationship with the Father due to His merit, His worthiness, His power, His authority, His resurrection, and His covenant- anything else is not faith at all.  Our faith is to be cultivated and nurtured and always defended, for we are called to avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge”, for by professing it some have swerved from the faith (1Tim6:21).

5--Authentic Christianity realizes that we are on a countdown to the end of our lives (James4:13-17), the next perfect storm, the next catastrophe, the next loss of a loved one, the next abortion, the next heinous crime, the next terrorist attack, the next physical malady, the next knock at the door that confirms a mysterious feeling; anything else that can be contrived by the wicked heart of man (Gen6:5-8, Jer17:9), or the influence of a greater evil, or as consequential to the sin that we all reside in.  BUT, these things should not discourage the heart of an Authentic Christian because of the Living Hope (1Pet 1:3) we have in Jesus our God and Savior, and because of the truth of His promises that lead our faith- until this Pilgrim’s faith becomes sight (1Pet510).  Each new day is a gift and is potentially the day for salvation for someone; someone that may truly hear the Gospel for the first time.

6--Authentic Christianity understands the importance of consistent communion within their Kingdom minded family (Heb 10:25).  Our collective worship is to be in Spirit and truth that cannot be confined to a specific location (John4:23).  Authentic worship does require the Word to be the focus and the people to be attentive and responsive (Heb12:28, Psalm29:2).  Another reason for fellowship within the body of believers is the search for greater understanding of the Common Thread that brought us and keeps us in the fold. The quest for truth, strength, and assurance is as essential as our being continually reminded that we too are yet sinners that were once in the hands of an angry God, but now are indeed saved by grace (Eph 2:8).  

7--Authentic Christianity understands that the remainder of the world’s population has yet to be dealt with; that some are numbered among the elect (Gal1:4) and will be violently moved to saving faith in Jesus the Son of God, while the rest are destined to face God's wrath (Rom1:18) and eternal judgment (Heb4:13).  It is not up to us who we should or should not share the good news with, a compassionate act of service to, sacrifice money, talent, or time for; but that we have a duty to do all in the Name of Jesus for the sake and glory of His Kingdom that will reign forever (Col3:17).  It is all the work of the LORD.

8--Authentic Christianity recognizes that although we as people are distinctly different from one another, in Christ Jesus we are to be one; united in our effort in communicating Truth, extending love, sacrificial service, diligently working, joyful living, sound doctrine in teaching, and generously sharing- all as one unit, hence the call from God to die to self (Eph 4:17-5:1) and for each Christian to take up His cross and follow Him (Matt10:38).  This identifies Jesus as the source of all Life, love, wisdom, peace with the Father, and Truth.  He must increase while we must decrease (John3:30).

9--Authentic Christianity understands that we are not perfect- but forgiven; that forgiveness (Rom6:1-4) is no excuse to live like we did in the days prior to Jesus raising us up from spiritual death or to treat any other human being disrespectfully (Matt7:12).  We understand that God provides the peace that we are to extend to our closest friend as well as our enemies as peacemakers (Matt5:9, 43-48) for we are relational creatures; designed to give and to receive the many meanings of love.  Authentic Christianity sees the sinfulness first within one self and understands the nature in which we are dealing with and allows the Spirit to lead in those situations where the flesh demands to dominate.  We also understand that in all things honesty (James5:12) is the only mode of operation. 

10-Authentic Christianity recognizes the constant struggle within and the necessity to feed the Spirit to ensure the hope in making right choices and standing victorious over sin (Rom6:14). Although impossible, it is in total, consistent, uninterrupted dependence on God that the Authentic Christian lives in the greatest joy of the Lord.  Unfortunately, for the Authentic Christian, this joy is interrupted and suppressed by the sorrow of sin.  In this failure lies the Pilgrim’s reminder that we are not Home yet, that there is still hard labor ahead, and even though our flesh craves autonomy- in our minds and deep in our hearts, we know we will always need the one true God who will give us the strength to make it through another weary day.  This is how we glorify God.

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