Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Relay for (Eternal) Life

Relay for (Eternal) Life

dentify in your mind the worst physical affliction and I will tell you another far worse.  Did you think of a disease or plague or cancer?  Maybe the disease in mind is pandemic in its reach; both directly and indirectly influences its subjects.  Maybe its genetic, maybe it’s something that has yet to be identified but has or will take the greatest number of lives.  Whatever it is, I say it is still not the worst affliction known to mankind.

There is no greater affliction than sin.  In fact- just to be clear, all physical conditions take on a life of their own within a life, until it completely consumes that life and both the life and the condition die.  Sin has overcome us all and we are in fact already hopelessly dead as it pertains to our spiritual condition (Eph2:12).  Every other physical malady known to man is only the by-products of sin.  What was once unblemished; made in the image and likeness of God, now profanes the original created order and the Hand of our Creator.  So what are we as Pilgrims (Ref: "What is A Pilgrim") to do with such physical challenges that test the greatest medical minds and science? 

“Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.” 1Peter4:19

A Pilgrim should use their "cancer" as a podium to proclaim God as Just and Merciful.  A Pilgrim should understand that although the road ahead may be wearisome and difficult for all who sojourn with you, God will not forget you and will always be there even when you haven’t the strength to call on Him.  A Pilgrim should also trust that it is not what you are dealing with or who you were that defines you, for every true Pilgrim acknowledges Jesus as the One who heals our greatest affliction.  As a new creation in Christ Jesus you are free to use the affliction instead of the affliction using you which ultimately directs the glory given and received to the One who rightfully deserves it (Rev4:11).  We all are summoned to die once (Heb9:27) and Death will do his duty in calling upon all who are guilty of offending a Holy God.  For some, Death will collect payment into eternity.

It is never easy to watch someone die for any reason, especially if it is a loved one.  It would be safe to say that most of us, if not all would rather die quickly and without suffering.  With that said, as a Pilgrim, it is (or shouldn’t be) never pleasing for man to look at God’s justice in His dealings with mankind, but more importantly with His own Son.  But rest assured Pilgrim, it pleases the LORD to look upon His Son and pardon you, and allow you such an amazing platform to extend eternal life to all whose death sentence is sealed by sin.  Whether you are the suffering Pilgrim or the Pilgrim watching a beloved suffer, relay for what matters most- eternal life.  Are you a gatherer or a scatterer (Matt12:30)?

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