Saturday, July 9, 2011

Higher Ground

Higher Ground

            It should never come as a surprise that with greater enthusiasm to the Word comes greater resistance from our faithful tempter.  Take for example the doctrine of election.  It is difficult at times to understand such inspired issues, but the reward of the glimpses given into the mysteries of God, strengthens the bond between Savior and sinner.  The Word reveals some of the attributes of God and the more we know about the Word, the more we know about our LORD since they are one in the same: In the beginning was the Word… and the Word was God… and the Word became flesh….  But oh the struggle to remain disciplined! 
            For me it will always be a matter of attitude. Our attitude or mood usually derives from our thoughts or experiences and I do not believe it to be any different with Holy matters.  Otherwise, God would not have wasted the breath nor Paul the ink when we read: whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. ~Phil 4:8.  Since sin entered the world through the medium of man and since our depraved hearts are continually wicked, than apart from God, where can any of those things listed be found?  Herein lies the problem with many people’s theological positions that I believe projects them off course for an indefinite amount of time or off the radar all together.  What you know about God and His will can only be found in the Word.  This demands you look at the Word as the Highest Authority and as Holy; inspired text from the One and Only True God.  You will otherwise never come to the position that this world and all that is in it is worthy of nothing good except immediate destruction. It just goes to show you that even after a planetary cleansing with water- sin still remained because Noah and his immediate family were spared.  It had nothing to do with what Noah decided as much as it had everything to do with God executing His predetermined plan or tree of humanity (so and so begat so and so) up to the day Jesus was born.  Man may have only been created, so that Jesus could be born, so that Satan could be destroyed.  One omniscient and omnipotent enough to give and orchestrate life by allowing and causing events, certainly is capable of devising a plan of redemption for exactly who He chooses and at the precise time He determines.   We as sinners are programmed to sin until the software is rewritten on our hearts, and our minds are opened to see God as Holy and our self as wholly, purely, and consumed of wickedness.  God as the Author and Finisher or Founder and Perfecter of our faith must be acknowledged for putting His own Life into these dead bones.  What was once incapable of worthy sacrifice is now capable of trusting obedience since we no longer have anything to sacrifice except ourselves for the glory of God.  Election is the right of the Giver to give to whom He pleases for whatever associated reasons if there are any.  If I have one hundred dollars that I want to give away- maybe because I possess all the money on the planet, or for any other reason, I am entitled to give it to whomever I will: maybe I will sit at a traffic light and wait for the first ten cars that have to stop at the line because of the stop light.  Maybe I will walk into a store and stand at a register and give the next two customers each fifty dollars.  None of this is based on who the individuals are or what the individuals have done but because of the predetermination to give something to someone because of a need that everyone on the roadway or in the store has.  God though, knows all people by name just as an artist knows his works of creation, and by His sovereignty and His grace He promotes or permits an opportunity for another sinner to hear the wonderful news of His Son and instantly gives new Life so that sinner can exercise their new faith to accept the precious righteousness of Christ Jesus.  For how else could someone acquire something of such great value (eternal life) if it isn’t given to them?  The recipients of such love will always be tempted to think of qualifying reasons for their salvation and not another’s.  Hopefully for that individual, God has effectually called them and if so, He will lead them to the Truth, otherwise it takes the glory away from the deserving One and sets oneself on a difficult religeous journey.  Sadly, it is the diluted gospel of today that leaves many wanting of the Truth, disillusioned as to who God is, and in denial about their true spiritual condition.  It is God through His Apostles that writes:

--even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.  In love he predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.  ~Ephesians 1:4-6.
--For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.  ~Ephesians 2:10.
 --Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.  So glorify God in your body.  ~1Corinthians +20.

              What assurance we have in knowing that God the Father sent Him and calls us, Jesus being our perfect righteousness, and the Spirit depositing it within us.  Nowhere in that equation do I read a part given to sinful man to play.  Our only part or responsibility comes after regeneration and is to allow Christ within us to be seen around us.  We may never know what we are to accomplish specifically in Christ which is why we must remain constant in what God sees as significant~ the little things, like obedience.  In this day and age, it is difficult enough to live out the calling of holiness much less preach the Gospel.  But being ready to give reason for the hope that is within us demands that we continue to seek after a simple yet disciplined Way and cling to the things of higher ground so our hearts and minds and attitudes are always ready to serve.  If you truly appreciate what Jesus has done for you at Calvary, than let your appreciation live through your life; your spiritual worship: the decisions you make, the Way you converse around all who see you, and the manner in which you treat your fellow man.  It is only by consistently living Christ centered, God fearing lives that bring great honor to our Lord- and those who genuinely believe, hate their sin that Jesus had to die for.  This only makes sense because if our focus is on Word opposing (worldly) matters, than we are certainly not who we think we are in Christ, which is why it is easy to excuse our ignorant behavior and resort to our own moral standard, since in our natural estate this is what we have been doing since the fall.  This is why we are exhorted to: put to death therefore what is earthly in you…~ Colossians 3:5.  All believers in Christ will encounter the battle of wills (self vs. God’s) and the spiritual realm (temptation vs. faith) for domination of the fallen condition or the new creation in Christ Jesus.  Let me save you some time- if there is a spark of passion for Christ in you- fan it into flame before you go into the wilderness to be tempted.  Don’t trust anyone to teach you without the Word- you seek after it yourself through literary repetition of the Word.  Our convenience or fast food mentality doesn’t apply to understanding the Gospel which is why I know our greatest obstacles are looking to God to empower us to set aside our pride; our will, and letting go of the things that control us and trusting in the One who can do all things…; shame on me for perverting and manipulating such a precious gift like grace.

            It is great that we desire to contribute to the cause of salvation as we have been commissioned to do, but to insult the power of the Holy Spirit by taking claim to something that existed prior to in the beginningis naturally human and divinely despised.  Oh the wickedness that lingers in the hearts of man; continually searching for an iota of credit to be received as one that assisted God with His plan of Salvation.  We as mere humans are a disgrace to God’s Grace, yet with great pity God moved toward those numbered among His elect and with pity, mercifully used His own Son; our Christ, to allow a select few to inherit something so indescribably beautiful and lovely as a renewed and intimate relationship with our God the Creator- despite our due recompense.
            As Peter prayed at the beginning of his second epistle, Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord… 2Peter1:2, I too ask of my Lord to refresh our hearts with broader understanding so that our lives in Christ would be opened wider to receive a greater portion of His wisdom and understanding.  Our faith in Him should always be hungry and I long to see the day when my faith becomes sight and I have been resurrected above the circumstances that the enemy enjoys weighing me down with.  His word states that if we will seek Him we WILL find Him.  It will only be in our individual quests for more of Him that He will enable us to understand enough to maintain our course in Him.  With broader understanding comes greater appreciation and then the willingness for perfect obedience.          

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