Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Pilgrim's Concern for Today's Worship

Jeremiah Burroughs: Gospel Worship

The reason why we worship God in a slight way is because we do not see God in His glory.”
I will be sanctified”, that is,“I will have My name appear to be holy.  I will make known unto My people, and to all the world, that I am a holy God.”  That’s the meaning of “I will be sanctified.”  I will be known to all the world as a holy God.   
“…yet it is fitting for you to submit to God.  It is fitting that God should be glorified, whatever becomes of you.  You are dear to God, but God’s name is dearer to Him than you are.”
“So God is sanctified in two ways.  One is by the holiness of His people and their conduct towards Him, holding forth the glory of God’s holiness.  So you have in 1 Peter 3:15: “sanctify the Lord God in your hearts.”  The saints sanctify God in their hearts when they fear God as a holy God, and reverence Him and love Him as a holy God.  They sanctify Him in their lives when their lives hold forth the glory of God’s holiness. Then God is sanctified.  But then, if we do not do so, God sanctifies Himself in ways of judgment upon those who do not sanctify His name in ways of holiness.”  …”In the way of the execution of judgment, thus I will sanctify Myself, so I will be sanctified in those that draw nigh unto Me.”

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Which Criminal are you?

One of the criminals who were hanged railed at him, saying, “Are you not the Christ?  Save yourself and us!”  But the other rebuked him, saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation?  And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.”  And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”  And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”  ~Luke23:39-43

            Have you ever stopped to think: what punishment do I really deserve because of my sin; my rebellion?  Do you understand that if it wasn’t for the abundant love, and mercy, and grace of God, we would already be dead.  Capital punishment was the penalty for the first sin, and let’s just say for the sake of bad interpretation that we didn’t inherit sin from Adam; that God hypothetically allowed us all to be born perfect until we committed our first sin.  How many under the rule “thou shalt surely die,” would be here right now if God withheld His grace?  Does your heart and life right now express the gratitude He deserves for His love and mercy and grace for you?  If not- according to our hypothesis you should be smitten where you sit, because that is sin.  Let’s imagine for a moment the last hours of one of the criminals and all the techniques and practices involved with crucifixion.  It was under the power of the victim the cross was to be carried, after of course, the flogging.  Sometime during that excruciating torment, the victim was stripped; continually humiliated; spat upon and taunted; defenseless throughout the entire ordeal.  The flesh is torn and burns as sweat, and the alcohol that is offered the victim, finds its ways into open wounds.  The wine offered is to dope the victim, probably to prolong the process so as to feed the mob of their own lusts for more violence.  When the victim finally arrives at the site where immanent death awaits, their charges are written down and posted above the head for all to read while the flesh is penetrated with nails that widen in diameter so that the palms and ankles are firmly fastened to the wood beam.  Apparently when all who witnessed ran out of spit, stones and vulgar insults; having their fill of the spectacle, the soldier’s day wasn’t complete until they broke the legs of the criminals, where finally the victim was left alone to die in peace.
            So what does this have to do with the two criminals- you ask?  Well each of them suffered the kind of death they deserved.  Not because of what they did, but because of who we all are.  We are sinners.  Imagine yourself as the victim described, what sins are written on the wooden board above your head?  Genuine repentance never willingly returns to the sin.  So which sins do you still give into?  Dear God I pray you help us understand this so we can be free to be free.  It took perfection to take my place; your place, it was infallible righteousness that broke the penalty of capital punishment and hell.  When, or if we die- Maranatha, we have nothing to fear at the moment our legs get broken.  We have the eternal hope with the perfect lamb when our hearts and lives repeat the words of the wise criminal: “I do fear the Lord; it should have been me on that cross, I am the one who sinned, but you are the One who died.  I accept your willing and perfect sacrifice that has reversed the curse of death by your resurrection.  My life is no longer my own, but Yours to do with it as You will- work in me and use me for your glory and remember me when I come into your kingdom”.     
            Our country is testing the patience of God.  We are testing the patience of God, yet we remain in a season of harvest that will wake one up or cause another heart to grow harder; to fall farther away.  Praying in the name of Jesus Christ without persecution is a thing of the past- ask our military chaplains; Pastors being classified as lobbyists reuniting church and state and Christianity being controlled are things to come.  History certainly repeats itself, so what side are you on, do you know and love your Savior; your Heavenly Father enough to stand up and pray in the name of Jesus boldly?  Again I ask- which criminal are you?    



The operator of this vehicle is without a doubt a genuine CHRISTIAN!  And why does this concern you- YOU ASK?  Well, as a "new creation” in Jesus Christ, the possibility of the driver DISAPPEARING due to the Rapture (rap-ture  \’rap-cher\ verb [Biblical Event] the moment when Jesus Christ calls on His church or believers to meet Him in the air to be ushered into eternity with Him) which is a provable certainty (1Thessalonians 4:16-17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.) and could happen today while you are in the vehicle!  IF YOU, understand the Gospel message and live each day demonstrating your FAITH, HOPE and LOVE for Jesus Christ, than FEAR NOT for you are in good company.  IF- on the other hand there is DOUBT, (doubt  \’dowt\ verb [Not good] an uncertainty that if left unchecked could cost you paradise and lead you to hell) than do not hesitate to INTERRUPT the silence or discussion already in progress to find out how you too can be guaranteed a place in the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN by giving your HEART and LIFE to Jesus Christ today.  God LOVES YOU, and that is why Jesus died FOR YOU on the CROSS so you are either SAVED or …


But, if you die without trusting in Christ Jesus for SALVATION, YOU will have to face the wrath of a Holy God on your OWN.